This is the read.txt for the Pitu Danish nonsense syllabe project. Pitu (Danish Nonsense Syllables) is licensed under a Creative Commons Navngivelse-IkkeKommercielleDelPaaSammeVilkaar 3.0 Unported License The material is intended for scientific use. Please feel free to use the it any way you like. You can help the project by notifying us about any research you publish using this material. Please send an email to The idea is that as more data about the material is collected it is summarised on this website. At this stage we have the following documents about the material: 1. readme.txt: This file. 2. Ref.txt: Reference list of publication which uses Pitu 3. Pitu.xls: Various data about each sound sample in the material including filenames for the current version 4. Backgrnd.pdf: Background info about the recording and decisions about the material 5. CV-triplets: The folder with the 27 zipped sound files - one for each talker 6. Sentences: The folder with 26 zipped sound files - one for each talker. These sound files are recordings of read sentences. No documentation about these sentence are available at present. Various info: The version number is identical to the creation date. For each version a file PituMaster*.xls exist, where * is the version number. Only the most recent version is available for download. The Pitu material consists of 27 zip files. Each zip file corresponds to all recordings for a single talker. The filename: AH_r3_l5Wutu04-Oct-2011.wav contains the sound for: AH = talker AH r3 = third repetition of the nonsense-ayllable (see Backgrd.pdf for details) l5 = list five (see Backgrd.pdf for details) Wutu = SAMPA notation for the uttterd syllable (see Backgrd.pdf for details) 4-Oct-2011 = Version number